Our Founder

Hi there! My name is Dani and I am the founder of Green Room. It’s a long and winding road that got me here, but here’s a little background!
I have a bachelors degree in Health Science and Biology. I also attended Veterinary School, briefly studied marine biology, and dipped my toes into physiotherapy. As I transitioned out of vet school and into marine bio, I had a part-time gig teaching radiology review classes, participated in beach cleanups, worked on the trash analysis afterwards, and volunteered in a coral reef lab. Academia aside, some of my favourite jobs have been waiting on tables, slinging coffees, teaching surf lessons, and working on a boat.
For funsies, I like to surf, hike, camp, roller skate, and swim in all the best watering holes.
I've been very privileged and am so grateful to have had the opportunity to start this journey in business. It ticks all of my boxes! It’s so fun being creative and working towards building something that I think will make a positive mark on the world. My goal is for Green Room to be more than just a personal care brand - I want it to be a space where we can educate, create, give back, and connect with others. It’s super important to me that we do good by the planet and do good by you - our community!