Save B.C. Wolves!
Almost exactly one year after Takaya, the lone wolf who roamed Discovery and Vancouver Island was shot, we have had another devastating attack on the local wolf population in our southern Vancouver Island community. Over the past few weeks, a pack of wolves nicknamed “The Meteask pack” in East Sooke were snared, shot, and wiped out by a local trophy hunter, Jacine Jadresko (The Inked Huntress).
The huntress posted photos of her holding up the wolves’ dead bodies, sparking outrage in the community. The wolves were peaceful and had not posed a threat - not even a disturbance.
Gary Schroyen, naturalist and wildlife researcher, documented the five wolves activities for over a year, dubbing them the “Meteask wolf pack”. He has been outspoken about how these wolves are a model example of peaceful co-existing and is devastated by the loss of these creatures that he came to know so well. Read this well-written article to read about what Gary Schroyen has documented and how he learned about the killing of the pack.
The recreational hunting of wolves needs to be controlled. Shockingly, as of March 2021, no license other than a general hunting license is needed to kill a wolf in BC. Wolves desperately need protection from trophy hunters and the provincial government laws surrounding wolves must be changed!
There is so much research showing that the Vancouver Island ecosystems live in harmony with, and rely on the different species of wolves in the area. Chris Darimont, a biologist at the University of Victoria and the Raincoast Conservation Foundation, made a profound statement in a CBC article on the local wolf population. Relevant enough to bring back, he said, “The most exciting part of this work, is how science and indigenous knowledge, even though they use very different approaches, can often point to the same conclusion."
The government needs to work in tandem with the local Indigenous communities to best navigate the preservation and hunting of these wolves. Both have data and knowledge to contribute and it will be most constructively used when both parties can thoughtfully work together to tackle the issue. Taking care of our oceans means protecting our wolves, and taking care of our wolves means protecting the land we live on.
Please sign the petitions below and call or write our local elected official to initiate real change! If you do write, consider cc’ing the MLA in your area as well!
Save B.C Wolves - https://www.change.org/p/save-b-c-wolves
Takaya’s Legacy: Moratorium on Wolf Hunting in BC - https://www.change.org/p/minister-donaldson-takaya-s-legacy-moratorium-on-wolf-hunting-in-bc?fbclid=IwAR1jftv70adbciAxDmPyW2L-dP40xqpXWVeXj4bYwBP-NBhNM4x1NXhJEaM
The current MLA’s that may be applicable to the situation are:
1. Katrine Conroy (Minister of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development): FLNR.Minister@gov.bc.ca
2. Murray Rankin (Minister of Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation): murray.rankin.MLA@leg.bc.ca
3. George Heyman (Minister of Environment and Climate Change Strategy): ENV.minister@gov.bc.ca
Nikkey Dawn, a local freelance writer and creative, is releasing 200 limited edition prints of her painting ‘Wing Beat’ with all proceeds going toward support for Raincoast's Save B.C Wolves campaign. The original was painted for the Takaya's Legacy Art Show and Fundraiser. “My inspiration was around how everything in an ecosystem is connected and the more we realize that, the better stewards we will be :)”
Please check out her artwork here!
Our hearts go out to Gary and all members of the community who are mourning this loss.
* Photos by Ian Harland, Vancouver based photographer.
** All opinions stated about recreational wolf hunting does not apply to the intentional and well-respected hunting done by local Indigenous communities.