Our Story

Down time was spent reading and taking notes from a book discussing the ingredients that are found in many of our commercially made body care products. As we played and bathed in the ocean, simultaneously leaching seemingly strange chemicals from our shampoo and sunscreen into the sea, guilt kept creeping in as we dissected the ingredient lists on every product label we had in the van. (We should note that this book isn’t totally accurate and is part of the reason our product messaging is focused on what IS in our products versus what ISN’T in them. Blog post on that coming soon!)
Additionally, living without proper waste management infrastructure (AKA hanging a plastic bag on the armrest of the driver seat and emptying it at the next gas station) meant we were hyper-aware of, and living very closely with our garbage. More often than not, recycling wasn't even an option. When you're re-using a small bread bag for your trash, a big conditioner bottle becomes an even bigger headache.
And so the need for multi-use, sustainably packaged and travel-friendly body care was recognized! Our choice of ingredients is designed to make you feel closer to nature and our fun and colourful aesthetic is symbolic of how we believe self care products should be; approachable and feel-good. Our minimal line of plant and mineral based products should cover the majority of your self-care bases! We know what you need, because we live just like you.
Our mission is to empower others to practice conscious consumerism. After all, self care products are used by everyone and if we all make small mindful changes, collectively, it would amount to a huge difference! With every vote with our dollar, we are taking a stand for the future we want to see. Together, we are redefining the utility product.