10 Spring Hairstyles for 2021
1. Curtain Bangs
Curtain bangs have made a big comeback since the 80’s - we got a few in the office ourselves!
The face-framing benefits and nonchalant vibe that curtain bangs give is a major accessory. It is the latest trending hairstyle on TikTok and for good reason! Adjust the length of your curtain bangs to suit your face shape and I truly believe this hairstyle looks good on everyone.
2. Relaxed Side Braid
With this classic and simple style, it's all about keeping things easy breezy and complication-free. Adding little flares to your braid such as fish tails, braided details in your hairline, or scrunchies are a nice way to spice it up a bit!
3. Boxer Braids
For this look, part your hair down the middle and throw in some classic french braids or if you're feeling wild, reverse french braids. My personal favourite thing about this look? French braids are a wonderful way to showcase all the different colours in your hair as the highlighted bits become interwoven with the darker underside of your hair. And then of course the beautiful mermaid waves you get when you take the braids out!
4. Middle Part
Ahh, yes, the classic “will they, won’t they” of the century. Middle part or side part? This might be up for debate but I think everyone’s hair looks good in this style, regardless of length. With a middle part, your face transforms - your features become framed beautifully. Plus, it’s easy to tuck away into a ponytail or behind your ears. Duality!
5. French Twist
The flippy hairstyle from the 90's - a French Twist fastened in place with a claw clip. An effortless up-do that takes about 30 seconds. However, the actual process is a little trickier to explain, so here's a linked Tiktok video to show you what to do. It may take a few tries to nail it, but it's such a classic look, you'll be glad you took the time to get it down!
6. Slick & Sleek
Just me or does anyone else find it so annoying when your driving with the windows down and all the little hairs around your face start tickling your cheeks and forehead and getting stuck in your lips? There is definitely something to be said for all the combed back and slicked down hairstyles that are popping up as we move into hotter weather. Smooth your hair down from your roots to mid-length and throw it into a low bun to maintain the illusion of straight and sleek all over.
7. Curly Bangs
Curly bangs are my favourite trend and require way less effort than using a straightener every morning. Keep your natural style and just fluff em’ up at the beginning of the day. If only my hair was this naturally curly! Said every straight haired girl ever...
8. Buzz Cut
This ones a little more permanent than the rest but it's bold and badass and ain't nobody going to argue with that. If you've been feeling tempted by that razor, this is your sign to shave it all off. Nothing says low-maintenance hair like having no hair at all.
9. Retro Ponytail
A very fun accessory that seems to be creeping its way back from the time of tube radios and bell bottoms - colourful silk scarves! Turning a ponytail into a retro ponytail is simple; style your hair into a regular high pony, twist sections around a curling wand, finish it off by tying around a scarf of your choice. Bonus points for matching your scarf to the rest of your outfit.
10. Mullet
A recent fad that’s come back for the girls - the ol' John Stamos hockey mullet turned cute and spunky. Curly, straight, permed or wavy, a shaggy mullet is definitely in! The confidence a mullet exudes is incomparable to any other hairstyle.